Robert Murray Stamp Shop, Edinburgh
(Except for "Retirement Mixes" which are still available)

We stock kiloware of the whole world, often in a number of different categories.
"KILOWARE" - stamps sold by weight, normally still on the backing paper as they've been cut or torn from envelopes.
At the time of writing we have now consolidated all our stocks - we have about 1.75 tonnes [update January 2024; now down under 1 tonne] - and are now running down stocks until everything is sold. Some categories are now being offered with the alternative of larger quantities at discounted prices per kilo. A
nything marked as "sold out" will not be available again.

Weights are average net contents.

As we get towards "the sharp end" of clearing our retail stocks we still have a fair bulk of kiloware to shift. It is selling steadily, but we need to accelerate the clearance.
There are now DISCOUNTS on all lines of stamp kiloware listed on this page.
Starting Monday 12th August 2024 we will give 5% off all the list prices, and each week we'll increase that by another 5%.
Available in our shop, or mail order (see below).
If you are interested in large quantities, or anything that says "made up to order", please get in touch before visiting. Dates our shop will be open are on our home page.
Thanks for all your purchases !

>>> For example, our Standard World Kiloware 1kg, priced below at £19.75, would now cost you only £3.95
with its 80% discount. <<<
So, the longer you leave it, the cheaper it will be. But the longer you leave it, the more lines will sell out. Your gamble !
Discounts will be as follows;
From 12 August :: 5%      19 August :: 10%      26 August :: 15%      2 September :: 20%      9 September :: 25%
16 September :: 30%      23 September :: 35%      30 September :: 40%      7 October :: 45%      14 October :: 50%
21 October :: 55%      28 October :: 60%      4 November :: 65%      11 November :: 70%      18 November :: 75%
25 November :: 80%      2 December :: 85%      9 December :: 90%      16 December :: 95%      23 December :: 100% (i.e. free !)

Things have changed in recent years. Going back a decade or two, most of the stamps charities were given would be from current or recent mail, but they would always have some that people had from clearing out an old house, or going through old family papers. They might therefore have gathered in a year, say, 19kg of generally new mix plus 1kg of older, so the mix looked like new stuff and was a good source of recent stamps.
The current situation is that people actually get very few stamps in the mail. Charities get smaller amounts handed in (although prices are much better than they were some years ago). So the same charity might now be getting only 2kg of new mix, but they are still getting the 1kg of older stamps, and the mixture appears less appealing to the collector looking for newer issues.
Almost everything we get now is like that, with a fair number of older stamps included, and I'm afraid collectors will just have to get used to it !
We have had much less material coming in, although for a while we continued to get new material from some of our regular charities.
However, while going through all our stock we've been finding odd bags, packets, and boxes of kiloware here and there, which is all being gathered together so that we can make some final offerings.
Quantities are very varied - there are some categories where we'll only have one bag available, yet others where we'll have hundreds.
Read our article about kiloware - we're biased but think this is probably the best general explanation online !
MINIMUM MAIL ORDER £20 net price of goods (i.e. cost of kiloware after discount).

The fact that something is listed and priced here means that we had stocks when this page was updated.
We don't always have all bags in all sizes already made up (particularly the larger quantities), so if you are intending to collect from our shop please contact us first so that we can have it ready for you.
HOW TO ORDER options;
{a} Come into our shop and buy direct. If you want a larger quantity of anything please tell us in advance.
{b} It can be sent to you. Either contact us by email ( or by phone (0131 552 1220 or 0131478 7021 - only answered at certain times, which are given on our answering machine).
Orders may be sent by Royal Mail or by carrier, depending on size, weight, value, and destination.
Orders being sent out are charged as [price of goods] plus [actual cost of postage/carriage] plus [£1 per order handling charge].
Payments for mail orders can be made by debit or credit card (if requested we can call you to get the details) or by bank transfer (bank details sent on request).
{c} Sorry, there is no online ordering facility.
We've added photographs for some of the types. These have been done in good faith. Of course you're not going to get exactly the same mix as shown. What you buy from us you may see as better or worse that our examples.
When taking the photos, the only thing we have done to make them look better was to turn over stamps which were face-down.


Code Country Sample photograph Description
Weight * per bag Price
per bag                       
United Kingdom UK Capital Kiloware          SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT
Our "Capital Mix" is our most popular UK mix. This is material received from charities, sometimes with some added that we have stored for a while, and sometimes also with some older stuff mixed in, giving a wider variety of content than often found. All types included - definitives, country stamps, commemoratives, greetings, and Christmas issues. Scottish country stamps ("regionals") are found in good numbers. There's very little that is very new.

         SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT
£16. now £12.
£75. now £55.
£ £199.
£1, £890.
United Kingdom UK-commemoratives-special-issues
Commemorative and Christmas (we try to keep the Christmas content within 25%, but cannot guarantee it). Last few bags of 200g, then we'll stop making up stock in this size. Larger bags will remain available.
       SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT
On-paper 100g
United Kingdom
Decimal Castles stamps on paper. Mixed issues, mixed cancels, very occasional other stamps attached. Made up "as it comes".

       SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT
On-paper 200g
United Kingdom
           SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT "Charity Stamps Direct" box, where people have sent stamps directly to us as donations to charity. Most packages are not opened by us, and these boxes are therefore a bit of a gamble !  We do not entertain returns or complaints on these, as you are probably as likely to get a marvelous box as a terrible one. Available to shop customers only, as a disclaimer form has to be signed.            SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT
United Kingdom
UK pre-decimal stamps on paper
Pre-decimal (i.e. everything should be before 1971 - mainly Queen Elizabeth issues, but some older also). Last few bags of 100g, then we'll stop making up stock in this size. Larger bags will remain available.
       SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT
On-paper 100g
United Kingdom
           SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT Scotland Country Stamps. Mix of Scottish "regionals" collected up to about 1995. Made up to order.                            SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT
On-paper 1kg
United Kingdom
            SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT Cheap Mix. This is just the thing for anybody looking for quantity without needing quality !  This may/will contain; mainly definitives (Machins/NVIs) or Scottish country stamps, some Christmas issues, a few commemoratives. Sometimes heavy duplication, sometimes excess backing paper, hardly anything recent. Made up to order.     SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT On-paper 1kg
UK Off
United Kingdom uk stamps off-paper in packets
Off-paper mix, as gathered from charities (usually modern/recent) and from the bottom of boxes in which we have bought collections (often older), plus sometimes masses that people have soaked off over the years. Last few bags of 25g, then we'll stop making up stock in this size. Larger bags will remain available.
Possibly 100% of stock now sold - there may be a little remaining after we've processed some current orders.

       SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT
UK Odd
United Kingdom
UK "Odd Kiloware"                  SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT Bags made up from one odd (but very big) batch we purchased some years ago This mix includes more than the normal by way of complete postmarks, often including slogans and meter marks, and sometimes also has complete envelopes (or large parts). Mainly 1960s to 1970s/80s. Other odd bits included (some foreign, some non-stamp items).
                  SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT
On-paper 1kg
United Kingdom
           SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT First Day Covers by weight !  We get so many of these we are always looking for ways to dispose of our excess stocks. Absolutely as they come, probably nearly all typed or handwritten addresses, usually a bit of duplication. Excellent source of used sets.     SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT Covers
1 kilo
10 kilos
£140. now £130.
Islands Channel Islands
and Isle of Man
Channel Islands (and Isle of Man) Kilowre
General mix. Tends to have a mix of definitives and Christmas/commemoratives, and with material included sometimes going back a few years. The mix between the islands is not always equal !
NB; Current stock is of just Guernsey and Jersey (sometimes a few Alderney) with probably little or no Isle of Man.
Last few bags of 50g, then we'll stop making up stock in this size. Larger bags will remain available.
       SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT
On-paper 50g

World 1 Foreign "Superior Grade" world kiloware        SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT "Superior Grade" World Kiloware. One of our most popular bags - we sell loads of this !  A whole-world mix, containing little or no UK. When material comes in to us, simply if it looks better it goes into the Superior mix, and if it looks less exciting it goes into the Standard.
Many of our shop customers make regular repeat purchases.
 "Superior Grade" big bags.

"Superior Grade" in very big bags.

       SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT




World 3 World      SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT "Standard Grade" whole-world mix with just a little U.K. Still a decent mix, but simply not as good as the Superior. Excellent value for the number of stamps for the price.  
     SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT
On-paper 1kg


World Off
        Off-paper mix, as obtained from charities (usually modern/recent) and from the bottom of boxes in which we have bought collections (often older), plus bulk or excess material we sometimes purchase or gather. Usually contains a smaller number of UK, will usually have duplication to some degree, and might include a few damaged stamps, as we do not check these stamps individually (which also gives the chance of an occasional "find").
Sorry, that description doesn't do the mix justice !  Another of our popular sellers in our shop, with constant repeat sales. Last few bags of 25g, then we'll stop making up stock in this size. Larger bags will remain available.
Tiny quantities left.



Commonwealth Kiloware
Commonwealth. A mix of numerous countries, spanning many years, and not too much of the "big" countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, or South Africa. Occasionally just a little UK and Ireland included, and sometimes an odd stray non-Commonwealth. Nice mix which is predicted to be running short soon ! Last few bags of 120g, then we'll stop making up stock in this size. Larger bags will remain available.
      SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT
On-paper 120g

"Retirement Sale" big mixes.    STILL AVAILABLE in shop and mail order
We've got big stocks of this stuff so we've decided to make up some special clearance batches. Our stock of these is of way over a million stamps so we'd be happy for you to buy a few thousand !
Each lot will be 500g of world off-paper, plus 200g of UK off-paper, and we'll also chuck in a few odd "freebies" with each batch. (If you buy a repeat lot we'll try not to repeat the same free items. Therefore if you are making a repeat order please tell us when you bought your previous one, or quote the letter on the packet.)
There will definitely be duplication among the thousands of stamps you get, and please allow for there being some damaged here and there. (There might even be an odd stamp on-paper, etc. There is so much stuff we can't possibly check each one.)
Give one a go !
Net price - not subject to discounts noted above.

Some of the following are only available in very small numbers (some we've got loads !).

Weight * per bag Price
per bag

Australia. Colourful general mix of mixed ages. Good variety. Last few bags of 120g, then we'll stop making up stock in this size. Larger bags will remain available.        SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT On-paper

Australia. Off-paper mix made up at random from loose stock. Good variety, but every packet will have duplication (sometimes to excess). Average 20g packet contains perhaps about 350 stamps. Last few bags of 20g, then we'll stop making up stock in this size. Larger bags will remain available.        SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT Off-paper

Canada. Mixed ages. A decent mix though always including some very common.    SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT On-paper 120g £4.25
Canada stamps on paper
Canada. A last-minute find of a big carton of kiloware from about the 1970s and 1980s (some 1990s seen). There's about 25kg of stamps, with moderate/wide margins of envelope paper. We're selling it by the kilo, with the option at any time for someone to buy all our remaining stock at a discount rate. (Therefore, if we've sold five 1kg bags you can buy the remaining 20kg for £200.)      SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT

The lot at

£10. per kilo
         SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT Ceylon/Sri Lanka.          SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT On-paper 50g £7.50 now reduced
to £3.75
         SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT Denmark. Off-paper mix made up at random from loose stock. Good variety, but every packet will have duplication (sometimes to excess). Average 20g packet contains perhaps about 350 stamps. Last few bags of 20g, then we'll stop making up stock in this size. Larger bags will remain available.       SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT Off-paper 20g
         SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT France. Mainly collected in France, plus some collected in UK, occasionally a few from other countries.          SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT On-paper 100g £4.25
         SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT France. Some of the mix listed above, and a scattering of more recent material.        SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT On-paper
Germany stamps on paper
Germany. Collected by a charity in Leipzig over a number of months leading up to mid-2008. Very high proportion of modern Germany, with some older, and often a reasonable scattering of other countries. Occasional excess paper.
Last few bags of 100g, then we'll stop making up stock in this size. Larger bags will remain available.
      SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT
On-paper 100g
          SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT Germany "Leipzig Plus" Mix. A 1kg bag which is about 50% from the mix described above, and about 50% from other sources older and newer.      SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT On-paper
         SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT Hong Kong. Large proportion from about mid/late 1990s.
SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT
Not Sold Out !! . . . we'd forgotten we had two bags in the shop window.
On-paper 100g
         SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT Hong Kong. Bags made up of roughly 80% of the above mix and 20% of newer material. Limited stocks.           SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT On-paper

Ireland. General mixture - range of recent years with a scattering of older now and again. Last few bags of 100g, then we'll stop making up stock in this size. Larger bags will remain available.
       SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT
On-paper 100g

Ireland. Off-paper mix made up at random from loose stock. Good variety, but every packet will have duplication (sometimes to excess). Average 20g packet contains perhaps about 350 stamps. Last few bags of 20g, then we'll stop making up stock in this size. Larger bags will remain available.
       SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT
         SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT New Zealand. Mixed ages. Limited stocks.      SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT On-paper 110g
Video on Facebook at this link. Scandinavia (most of Denmark, fewer of Norway and Sweden - seldom Finland, and only rarely will there be Aland, Faroes, Greenland or Iceland). Last few bags of 150g, then we'll stop making up stock in this size. Larger bags will remain available.
See our wee video on our Facebook page at this link.        SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT
On-paper 150g
          SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT South Africa. General mix, some years old.     SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT On-paper 100g
         SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT South Africa. Old to new mix, with a scattering of S.W.A.      SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT On-paper
CH-1          SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT Switzerland. Mainly 1960s mix with many commemoratives.  SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT On-paper 120g £4.75
         SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT Switzerland. Some of the above "1960s mix" and some newer material.  SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT On-paper

United States of America. Mixed ages. Some collected in the USA, some in the UK. Last few bags of 120g, then we'll stop making up stock in this size. Larger bags will remain available.
       SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT
On-paper 120g

         SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT United States of America. Off-paper mix made up at random from loose stock. Good variety, but every packet will have duplication (sometimes to excess). Average 50g packet contains perhaps about 700 to 1,000 stamps.         SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT Off-paper
         SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT United States of America. "Dead cheap". Used off-paper stamps which came to us in packets supposedly with 1,000 stamps per packet. Quite modern, and highly duplicated.           SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT Off-paper
Per packet
£1. only
Zim Zimbabwe kiloware
Zimbabwe. This is a mix all from about the same period, collected around 1995-2000, usually on thicker paper. Last few bags of 100g, then we'll stop making up stock in this size. Larger bags will remain available.
       SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT
On-paper 100g

COINS - see full list of wholesale coins at

These do not qualify for the discounts listed above.

Coin 1
World Coins Bags of mixed world coins, generally quite modern "dross" (low denominations, or out-of-date, etc.) but with occasional older or more unusual bits. (Note that postage on coins is quite expensive.)          SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT 900g £6.
Coin 2
World Coins
Same mix as above, bigger bags.         SOLD OUT            SOLD OUT 9kg
Nostalgia Bag
UK Coins
A bag with a selection of British pre-decimal coins, comprising; 20 x penny, 15 x halfpenny, 10 x brass threepence, and two each of farthing, sixpence, shilling, florin, and half crown. We call them "Nostalgia Bags".    

UK Pennies
Pre-decimal pennies, mainly KG5 to QE. Subject to stock - please check before coming in.

UK Halfpennies
Pre-decimal halfpennies, mainly KG5 to QE. Subject to stock - please check before coming in. 900g

UK 1d/½d
Pre-decimal pennies and halfpennies, mainly KG5 to QE. Subject to stock - bags of mainly pennies with some halfpennies included.

Remember, postage and handling are charged on top of these prices if they are to be sent out. See our "How to Order" page for details.
* Weights are approximate but honest ! 

Last updated Thursday 16 December 2024. Copyright Robert Murray 1999-2024.

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